Monday, August 30, 2010

Happiness is ........

discovering that "unoaked" is not necessarily the devil of white wines. We enjoyed our trip to Strewn (as previously blogged) but right now I'm mellowing in a glass of their unwooded chardonnay. Usually I go for th big, buttery, bold taste of a heavily oaked California chardonnay, but this Strewn find is absolutely exceptional!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

So I'm watching NINE

And beyond the mostly naked female superstars, it's really not much more to me than a fabulous high school musical. Now ... I totally LOVE Fergie in this.

Perhaps a reason I like th visual candy that is this movie is that it's not porn. There's no gratuitous nudity (not that I have ANYTHING against nudity), but rather adorns the women in feathers, and fishnets and sparkles to enhance their beauty and remind you that often the most fun, is unwrapping the gift.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'm watching one of my favourite shows ....

and all I can hear is the door creaking upstairs. The youngest gift is standing at his bedroom door opening and closing the door. I plan on letting him play this game until he comes out .... then I'm getting the duct tape!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

This is your warning ...

It's my birthday on Thursday. I'm 19 (on my second time around). I'm being spoiled like a princess and plan to party like a rock star.

Just in case you need a reason to celebrate ... this is it!

*blows a kiss*

Sunday, August 22, 2010

My poor liver ... but BOY it was worth it.

Wow, back from the 24 hours of solid liver abuse. Here's a summary of where we when and who helped contribute to my liver damage.

Angels Gate Winery

Is always one of our favourite places to start. It's a beautiful location in a beautiful building. When we showed up it was pretty early but within 10 minutes the place was packed. We tried a couple of flights, and the lovely blonde girl who rang us threw comp'ed our flights and gave us a free tote bag. Honestly it wasn't that much, we only dropped about $50 there, but it was a pleasure to start with.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Getting ready for the trip

Like any athlete, I'm preparing for the trip to wine country in the most appropriate way possible. If you were going to run, you stretch. If you're going to exert a great deal of physical energy you warm up.
I'm limbering up my liver .... heading into "I love you man" territory. :-) Happy Friday!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Taking time ...

It's been a crazy week. The impact of one coworker being off on his honeymoon hit me hard this week. While I'm typically swamped with dealing with China and various retail people, this week I had to pick up some slack and deal with designers, contractors and shipping people ... ugh, I'd rather hide in a spreadsheet or chat with industrial designers.

So, with the sudden death of poor Jude this week I decided it was time to slow down a bit. The boys love hanging out at their cousins, and their home is half way to wine country. So this weekend, hubby and I will take time to stop and smell the roses ... or fine merlots and crisp sauv blancs.

I'll back Monday with a wicked hang over and a smile on my face!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Living off the grid ...

Every night on my painfully long commute home from work, I pass a good sized working farm that has a huge solar panel in front. It was installed about a year ago, and I wonder if the owners are working towards living "off the grid".

Obvious with a moniker of "TechnoMum" I'm pretty hard wired into the matrix. I doubt I could life off the grid, but it got me thinking. What if it could help reduce the drain I'm putting ON the system. What if I can help generate energy to become less of a harsh user to beautiful Mother Earth. It's something I need to look into.

Then again, with what a blow-hard I am some times ... perhaps a windmill in my backyard would have more impact!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The fragility of life

Among the mundane tasks of a mother off for the weekend, I got to enjoy some special one on one time with my youngest monster ... errrrr child this afternoon. Parking my keister on the couch, I decide to work on some of the photographic gifts sent to me by my two favourite photographers. First one is a mother from San Diego, second one a blind gentleman from Toronto. He's unique beyond his limited eyesight, but rather the amazing quality of his work.

I realized I needed a smaller image of one I'd requested from him, so I fired off my typical begging email. His works can be sold in galleries, but for some reason he's kind enough to share the images with me for free. I'm very aware of this and am likely over the top when asking for even more favours, like resizing images, and resending them, like today's request. He's never turned me down, nor ever made me feel like I'm an bother, but I still try my hardest to be Uber nice.

I was almost ill today when he quickly answers me back that he's not sure when he can get to the request as he found his significant other had passed away some time this morning in her sleep. Rather suddenly and without warning. From what I knew, she'd experienced some back problems that had her off work for a while, but the last I'd heard, she was planning to return to work.

I honestly can't fathom what it would be like to wake up next to your beloved and find they're no longer of this realm. I can only imagine this poor friend is devastate and completely lost. I expressed my sympathies, but as always feel woefully inadequate.

Remember folks, hug your loved ones, you NEVER know when their (or your) ticket is up. I'm so very sorry Richard, for the loss of your beloved Jude.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

They say

That the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome .... or something like that. Seriously, when am I going to try something new or accept that this insane ride is simply my lot in life?


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Not so graceful

Today at work, I was heading back from my boss's office and in an effort to maximize my time, I hurried along the highly polished floor right in front of my office area when one leg began to slide. Then the next one went, then the hallway was spinning as I was gaining a new perspective on my surroundings.


It wasn't pretty, and I'll be in pants for a week or so until the enormous bruise on my leg subsides.

Happy humpday!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Oh ... My ... Virgin Scribe!

So, I've started my journey on listening to books on CD. I've started with JR Ward's Lover Avenged. This book has captured my attention. I failed with the twilight series, but YEOWZA'S ... this is somewhere between Twilight and Jackie Collins. WOW. Seriously, I had to crank the AC driving home this afternoon and it had nothing to do with the humidex!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lost in the rainforest?

So Chapters didn't have my book. They had a pretty impressive selection on the rest of the Author's books, but not the one I was looking for. I love my technology. I immediately sent an email to hubby telling him to order it from Amazon.

That was Monday.

This is Wednesday and they haven't even given us notification that the book has shipped.


Seriously, does the order get shipped along the river? In my usual impatient way, I went on to Kobo to read the first chapter for free. It's a beautiful book and I'm eager to get my paws on it. But nothing. Grrrrrrrr .....

Monday, August 2, 2010

Joining a book club

Ok, while I've previously assumed (and commented) that book clubs are for little old ladies with knitting and lots of cats.... time to eat your words bella!

I've begun hanging out (virtually) with a pretty diverse and dynamic group of women. I've had a group of working mother friends for almost 5 years, and while this new group (smaller about 15 of us) came from the same website as my working mother friends, it's from a debaters board, so it's a pretty high caliber of women. I've begun playing scrabble on line with a couple of them, I've rediscovered my desire to blog, and I've joined a book club.

This month we're reading Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe and I'm still not entirely sure what the book is about. A few of the DA members have commented that they were assigned to read it in school, somehow I doubt it's much like Farley Mowatt and the Call of the Wild, but these are some of the American Mom's so it's an opportunity to be exposed to something I never have before.

Good times ahead, I'm heading out shortly to go to Chapters to see if they have it. Wish me luck, it'll be the first book in a while that doesn't rhyme, have pop up characters or more pictures than words!

Early in the pandemic, I read, “We’re all in the same storm, but riding it out on different boats”, and I’ve carried that along with me.  I’...