Saturday, September 24, 2011

Hey lookie here ... I have a blog!

Ummmm whoops, apparently yet another blog I abandoned.

Let's see if I can catch you up. In June the Wicked Witch of the West finally won the battle and got me on the "restructured" list. So after loosing one of the two great guys I went to work for in January, the other one was walked out with me in June.

That place was nuts, unreasonable expectations (and if you've read my rant from a cube, you know I know unreasonable). Fortunately the severance package was good enough to see me enjoy the summer off. I'm back to the hunt, something will hopefully come along soon.

As well, my BFF Jenni moved in. She was here every weekend anyway, so she's up here now too. Basically just adding to the loonie bin. It's awesome.

Ok, I'll try to be back more often!

Early in the pandemic, I read, “We’re all in the same storm, but riding it out on different boats”, and I’ve carried that along with me.  I’...