Friday, January 18, 2019

The moral conundrum

What do you do when the idiotic provincial government makes changes that do benefit you and your children but also damage the educational opportunities for the poorest in the province?  Our Premier announced a reduction of tuition fees for Ontario Students.  Cool, with possibly two kids attending post-secondary education within the next decade, that’s literally music to my ears.  I actually thought “wow, that doofus did something good” but of course that surprise was quickly replaced with disgust when I’d found out the rest of the changes he’d made.

While he’s reducing tuition by up to 10%, he’s eliminating grants for lower-income students and removing the grace period that the loans need to be paid back.  While a Post-Secondary student could continue to focus on their studies and work to get a job in their respective field after graduation, that’s no longer the case as they immediately need to start repaying their loan once they graduate.

The question is: do I complain, protest, try to affect change?  The changes they’ve made directly affect my children in a positive way, shouldn’t I just be happy with that?  Brings me back to the time where the Prime Minister (who I support) changed the child tax laws ending my monthly payment while at the same time, doubling or tripling the payment to the lowest income families.  I had a coworker ask me if I was mad and I just shrugged.  I didn't need it, and I bet it went a long way to help out those other families so I was just fine with it.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

He knows me

Yesterday BHE decided to take an impromptu vacation day.  After coming down and seeing my cranky butt for lunch, he went to his work, booked off the day and went home.  The gifts were excited to see him as he was on nights this week, and they miss him when they don’t get to see him.  I’ll admit, I was really looking forward to going home as I knew he was going to be there.  This week is my “single mom” week where BHE works nights and I only get to see him for lunch (one day, sometimes twice) and on weekend.  His job has always been like this.  I’m used to it, while I’d rather he works straight days, it’s a good job and he is amazing at it.

Last night, I get home and I’m still in full single mom mode.  Figuring out how to feed the gifts, get the oldest to and from his rehearsal on the other end of town, realizing I don’t have to drag the youngest gift out because BHE is there.  I’m dropping things in hallways and on counters, looking around, checking the time, in my usual “just got home from work fluster” and BHE is standing in the kitchen, looking at me with his arms open.  He wants to give me a hug.  All of a sudden I melt into his arms and time slows down.  I take a deep breath and hug him.  Enjoying his warm, loving the connection, relaxing.  He knows me, better than I know myself.  He gets me to slow down, calm down and relax when I need it.


I always say he’s my rock.  I truly am the luckiest woman ever. 

Early in the pandemic, I read, “We’re all in the same storm, but riding it out on different boats”, and I’ve carried that along with me.  I’...