Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Ok, enough complaining for one day, time to change focus!  At our sales conference this year, our President focused his speech on the importance of Gratitude.  Wow, that was like a lightning bolt to me.  I’d written a very short speech (as I’d received the leadership award for the second year in a row) and my theme, as well, was gratitude.  I was grateful to my leadership team for allowing me the opportunities to grow, discover, fail and succeed.  I was grateful for all the team members that I had the opportunity to work with through company integrations, product launches, product discover and design and all the little details that make a company run.


That sounds much more like where I’d like to focus.  Today a friend called me her hero.  I was gobsmacked.  Another friend is having issues in her marriage and we’re on a private board to talk her through it.  It’s a group of on-line friends (some of us have met in person) and we’ve been “together” for about 10 years.  Some married, some divorced, all moms who love their kids and are trying to do their best.  As this one friend is having issues, the other divorced mom and I jump sharing our experiences, in an effort to help and support.  I told the other divorced mom I was so proud of everything she’d accomplished on her own and raising an epic young man.  She turned around and told me I was her hero, younger, hot husband, two great kids, kicking ass at work … wow.  Sometimes you’re so mired in the muck of the forest, you forget about the beauty and wonder around you and it takes a friend to point it out.

So ya, I am grateful for having this job that pays me well and does recognize my efforts (9 awards in less than 5 years).  I am grateful for having a husband who loves me for me, makes me feel like the center of the universe, spoils me with his love, time and attention, and often the most thoughtful gifts in the world.  I’m really grateful to have two awesome sons who are kind, respectful, loving, strong and all around good people.  I’m grateful to have the most amazing group of women who live inside my iPhone and laptop, who I can reach out to that will lift me up, make me laugh, or offer to help hide the bodies when I need them. 

I’m really very lucky, and I’m so very grateful for it.

The monkeys and clowns.

Work is getting to me again.  It’s strange; this is usually a pretty chill time of the year.  Deadlines are 5-6 months away, it’s not the “height of launch season” which is our stressful time of year (spring) but work is STRESSING ME OUT.

I need to keep repeating to myself, that while this is my circus, these clowns are not my responsibility and while this is my zoo, I’m not responsible for or to most of these monkeys.  My department has a terrible reputation for a poor work ethic.  One coworker (TCW) is currently bringing her suspended 17 y/o daughter to work here this week.  Wait .. WAT?  She’s suspended from school, so she’s going to bring her here so she can “work” for our company.  She’s literally getting paid to sit around and draw.  She’s not contributing anything to our company, and she’s getting PAID for it.  Sweet deal.  I bet $10 she’s suspended again a couple of times.

Another one of my coworkers (chatterbox) cannot come into work on time.  The big boss has sent out multiple emails stating the start of work is 8 (you can leave at 4:30) or 8:30 (you can leave at 5:00.  Those are the company hours.  However, every day chatterbox shows up between 9:10 – 9:20 … literally EVERY DAY.  I have one of the longer commutes out of my coworkers and I can manage to get in on time, even with dropping kids off at daycare.  This monkey lives with her mother, and STILL can’t get to work on time.  Worst of all, there seems to be no repercussions. 

People do shit, stupid shit here and never own up to it.  Idiot Field Sales manager decided to send two display kits to each of our reps (instead of the one I authorized) just in case they needed a backup.  Dafuq?  Those are VERY expensive kits, the reps have a ridiculously high turnover rate, and the backups are to be kept HERE.  Dumbass, please never procreate.

 This is a highly successful, billion dollar company.  I would expect highly professional Mensa type people to work here.  Instead we have an R&D Manager that isn’t interested in making technical discoveries … even when they’re handed to him on a silver platter; he’s too busy being LAZY.  Where people’s first reaction is “no” … before you even finish the question is “no, we can’t do that”.  SERIOUSLY?  Sometimes I feel like I’m trying to nail water to a superhydrophobic surface!

*sigh* I do love what I do.  I get to be creative and work on really cool products.  I get paid decently, and I’ve been recognized for my hard work and contributions.  I have multiple awards and a recent promotion to show for it.  I have reasonable working conditions and for the most part get along with everyone, that’s why I stay.  I like my job, I just can’t suffer the fools who get paid far too well for what little they contribute.

Early in the pandemic, I read, “We’re all in the same storm, but riding it out on different boats”, and I’ve carried that along with me.  I’...