Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Snow Day

It's been a brutal couple of weeks for commuting. While my commute is typically long, it's been ABSOfrickinLUTELY INSANE for the past two weeks. I'm averaging 5 hours a day ... yes A DAY in the car. Add that to a typically 10 hour work day and I'm FRIED.

I decided last night that since I have to work on some spreadsheet I'd take today as a snow day and work from home, idealistically getting 15 hours of work done. Unfortunately E had a temperature, so he's home today with me.

J was pretty pissed he still had to go to daycare, he must think E and I are partying here,

Early in the pandemic, I read, “We’re all in the same storm, but riding it out on different boats”, and I’ve carried that along with me.  I’...