Thursday, December 12, 2013

When a plan comes together.

Today, in my facebook feed, there was a huffington post article on how to help anxious kids with worry.  I decided to bookmark the article to read at lunch as the eldest gift can get anxious sometimes.  It’s nothing horrible, just sometimes he worries about stuff.  Then I thought back to when I was a kid, and what did I worry about.  The first thing that came to mind was the TV show “Buck Rogers in the 25th Century” and that the world was going to “end” in 1984 due to nuclear war.   It ran from 1979 to 1981, so I was 7-9 while it was on, similar to the eldest gifts current age.  In the show, the main character Buck Rogers (played by Gil Gerard) was an astronaut that left earth before the destruction in 1984 and was frozen in space for 500 years.  I remember; very vividly worrying that somehow this was more of a documentary than a fictional TV show.  I remember worrying that the world would end in 1984.  Of course, by the time 1984 came and went, the show was off the air and sometime during 1985 I thought “hey, we made it, we’re okay” … and life didn’t end.
However, the difference is that my life; or more accurately the core of my life that makes me ridiculously happy began in 1984.  BBE was born that year, of course I didn’t know it then, only really making the connection now, but what caused me great anxiety in my youth, has resulted in my happiness as an adult. 

So here’s to you Buck Rogers (who is currently in cryostasus somewhere out there to wake up in about 480 years), for giving me food for thought, and yet again, a reason to smile.

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