Friday, April 13, 2012

The new age of women.

Ok, so I’ve been thinking lately about the feminazis and traditional roles, etc.   When the oldest gift and I were at the YMCA this week, I was encouraging him to open the doors and ensure he holds them open for everyone.  I think manners are important and these types of things are often lost in today’s busy pace.   The other women at the Y (typically older ones not also distracted by herding their own children around) seem to enjoy watching this and encouraging him too.  I’m a pretty modern girl, most would view me as a feminist, and a forward thinking “I can do for myself” person.  Being raised by a single mother who constantly told me I could do WHATEVER I wanted gave me a great sense of self, but I admit, I’m very impressed when a man holds a door for me, or opens a car door, or helps me with my chair.  I’m sorry chivalry seems dead, but I’m going to do my part to bring it back with the gifts!

On the other side of the coin, I have some male friends (closest being my best friend) and I’m watching these “good guys” be used by women who do it, mostly because they're selfish and self-centered and know they can get away with it.   One I know does it because she’s not paying attention to the impact of what happens beyond her own skin.  She’s a good person at heart, but she’s immature and selfish, and she’s hurting my best friend as a result.  He knows that I’m ready to shred this chick … but I hold my tongue (well not here obviously) and I’ll simply try to be kind to her.
The other guy is a relatively new friend.  He’s got a whole host of issues.  The one that bothers me the most is that his ex-girlfriend, is a total ho-bag.   He’s got a lot on his plate.  He takes care of his twin brother who suffers from brain damage from being a hockey goal (could have gone pro), he was recently diagnosed with epilepsy, so he can’t drive or work at the moment, he had a horrific childhood with his parents (makes mine look like dear old dad was Mary Poppins), and that’s just scratching the surface.   He recently fell for this girl, who we’ll call ho-bag.  She didn’t tell him she lived with her boyfriend, she was cheating, and treating my friend like dirt.  He wears his heart on his sleeve so she took advantage of that, and him.
Yesterday she calls him, she’s miserable, threatening to harm herself if he doesn’t see her.  She’s not good for him, but the “good guy” in him can’t say no, and he likely still has feelings for her.  He waits for her … and waits … and waits … she blows him off.  B!TCH
She calls him this morning, saying she met another guy last night, spent the night with him (yes, she still has her boyfriend), and could he loan her some money so she can hang out with this new guy some more?  WH0RE!
My direct words to him are:
Ignore her.  Do not respond.  Hang up.  Delete emails … do NOT feed this troll.  You deserve better.

Seriously … when did the girls turn into playa’s?  I’d say absolute DOGS, but dogs are more loyal and caring.  When I was growing up (yes, I’m old) the GUYS were this type of slime and the girls got screwed.  When did it reverse?  When did these girls become predators to my “nice guy” friends? 
I now, completely, understand the term “b!tch-slap” because I’m dying to do it now.

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