Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Change in plans ... VEGAS BABY!

As I may have mentioned, I've been looking forward to my wedding in 2015.  Well, I just couldn't wait and LML (Love of My Life) and I ran off to Vegas and got married on Nov 7th 2014.  We'd been planning the Vegas trip since it coincided with a work trip of mine, and we just couldn't resist telling people we "ran off to Vegas and got married by Elvis".

Yes, it's just too cool.
We even live streamed it on the web.  As Michelle said, it's the first wedding she's attended where being drunk and in her PJ's wouldn't be awkward.

I wouldn't have done it any other way.  <3 font="">

1 comment:

  1. So, no posts for like a month, and then I check today and TWO POSTS??? You crazy bloggers, with your crazy posting schedules, waiting for inspiration. ;)


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