Look, let’s remove all the hyperbole and the political mudslinging and look at the situation as it stands. When I heard that former PC Provincial Party Leader Patrick Brown had resigned his leadership over allegations of sexual misconduct I was hardly shocked. It’s likely one of the worst-kept secrets in Barrie (PB’s home riding) that he’s a sleaze-ball in the bars and spends WAY too much money on printing for his propaganda. When he was selected as the leader of the Provincial PC Party I groaned, rolled my eyes and said we’ll that’ll keep me off the PC bandwagon.
Now that the allegations are out, I see people asking “if everyone in Barrie knew why did they elect him?” I can only answer with “some people suck”. Rob Ford was elected and he was a drug-addicted slimeball who made fun of driving drunk and all around acted like an ass. President Trump will “grab ‘em by the pussy” and he’s got one of the most powerful positions in the world. People don’t care what happens to “others” as long as their own selfish needs are being met, it really is that simple.
So, the right-wingers and majority of scared males start with the “it’s the liberals doing this” … wow, that’d be a neat trick, but I honestly don’t think Kathleen Wynne is smart enough to pull this off. The stories were genuine and heartfelt (something Wynne isn’t). Then the … why did they wait 10 years? Because until very recently the women coming forward were revictimized by victim blaming.
“Why did the girls drink?” – because they were at a bar, that’s what you do.
“Why didn’t they say no?” – well, they actually did, very clearly.
“Why aren’t the police investigating?” – because sexual misconduct is not a crime, it’s a standard of conduct that we hold people in power too. He was older, able to buy them drinks, give them jobs, have power over them and he used that. He shouldn’t have, it was wrong. This goes beyond single horny guy trying to get some, this is someone who plans to live their lives in the public eye as a leader, and a leader needs to be held to the highest standard. When we don’t do that, we end up with President Trump!
Is Patrick Brown the worst sexual monster in the world? Of course not, but he’s more than just a guy who gets shot down at bars, he uses his standing and power to try to get sexual acts out of young women, and that is simply wrong.
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