my weight and body image has been on my mind (see last post). BBE is INCREDIBLY supportive (as he truly
understands body image issues) and suggests ideas without making me feel guilty
for not executing them for my “excuses”.
Again (like always) BBE just rocks.
reading an article, one of many that speaks to me, on “how to be happy”. I nod and smile as I’ve learned some of these
incredible truths in the past few years, not worrying what others thing, that
failure is often where growth comes from, etc. but one line today jumped right
off the computer screen at me.
8. The pretty girls get all the good stuff. Oh, God. So not
true. I unlearned this after years of coaching beautiful clients. Yes, these
lovelies get preferential treatment in most life scenarios, but there's a
catch: While everyone's looking at them,
virtually no one sees them. Almost every gorgeous client had a husband who'd
married her breasts and jawline without ever noticing her soul.
Wow …
just wow. I read that through a few
times and let the reality really sink in.
In my previous life I often complained I felt like a pay cheque and a
piece of furniture. I know how hard it
is when someone doesn’t appreciate or care about what you truly offer. While BBE often tells me I’m beautiful, he
makes me feel it. I know he’s not just
looking at exterior beauty, but that which shines from within. From me being so proud of myself for managing
our house, and saving us money on things we spend on. From working to clean up the boys bathroom
(but I left the clogged toilet in the boys room to him, he’s magical, I am
not), to just getting the mundane tasks done.
When I have no makeup on, I’ve got my hair pulled back and I’m in filthy
sweats, he not only tells me I’m beautiful, but he makes me believe it.
loves me, for more than just my killer smile and pretty eyes, he’s with me for
my mind, body and soul … and I am luckier than most people on the planet
because of this.
the link to the enture article, it’s a good read!