I've been telling just about anyone who will listen that my two favourite parenting techniques are the liberal and proper application of duct tape and wine. Seriously, I've yet to come up against a parenting challenge that cannot be solved by the application of one or the other ... or both!
hhahahaaaaa I kid ... mostly.
It's thanksgiving weekend. This year I'm VERY thankful for the new job. Okay, I'll admit a bit of the shine came off the penny when they called a meeting at 5:02 on a Friday afternoon on a long weekend. Fortunately, it wasn't a "waste of time" meeting like the previous place. It was an important gathering to share information to propel the business forward. I REALLY am grateful for this job.
I'm thankful for how happy and healthy my family is. EVERYTHING beyond that is gravy. I'm also thankful for a beautiful bulldog who I still get to bling out from work!
Hello! I always enjoy reading your posts on DT (I'm jmjbaby21). Looking forward to reading your blog!!
Well hello Mary, welcome to my strange little corner of the universe. Enjoy!