After ditching ... errrr, I mean leaving our sons in the care of their beloved family .... hubby and I did the 90 minute drive home. Within 15 minutes of the beginning of the drive, hubby noticed a woman (early 20's) chatting away on her cell phone (not hands free). He was surprised since the fine is $110+ and very publicized recently. I told him "I see it all the time".
About 25 minutes later, we notice someone backing up on the highway to try to avoid the collectors and get back on the express. Fortunately there was a handy OPP officer to assist. And by assist I mean hand over a $155 fine. Stupid thing is that he was bailing on the COLLECTORS to get back on the EXPRESS. It's not like he was breaking the law to not miss an exit ... bonehead.
As we pull on to yet another highway, and we're snickering about the fact lawbreaker #2 got nailed, we noticed two guys (early 30's) on the side of the highway hitchhiking! REALLY? Let's not discuss the stupidity about stopping on one of Canada's major highways to pick up two (possible) axe murderers, but I didn't realize people still hitch hiked! I'm hoping the OPP officer was following our route, perhaps he could lend those guys some assistance!
Who knew the Greater Toronto Area was becoming the Wild Wild West!
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