I have no problem telling people that I’m diabetic. That is due to genes and lifestyle, so in a nutshell, partially my fault. However, I do hesitate to tell people that I suffer from mental health issues. Even typing it out, it’s hard. There is literally nothing I can do about it. It’s either genetic or (like me) simply a freak of nature, but I still have a hard time telling people.
I’ve got a great life! I’m married to the love of my life, I’ve got two amazing boys who I love and am so incredibly proud of. I’ve got an awesome job, great friends, the ability and finances to live a good life in a great house. From the outside looking in, I’ve got it all.
I’ve also got Bipolar Disorder. 20+ years ago when I was diagnosed it was called Manic Depressive with Anxiety. I’d have high highs but scary lows. I had a cry for help when I was 14. It wasn’t a real suicide attempt; it truly was a cry for help when I opened my wrists on the opening night of my school musical when I was in grade nine. I showed up at the show that night, in May with long sleeves on covering the bandages on my wrists. I was rushed into one absolute ASSHAT of a psychiatrist who just kept asking me what drugs I was using. I wasn’t using drugs, I had mental health issues that would go on for about another decade before someone finally figured it out.
Since my mid 20’s I’ve been on medication. I’ve had to adjust the amounts over the years. I’ve had to supplement with herbal remedies when I need a bit more help, but all in all, I’ve got it under control and I cannot tell you how incredibly lucky I feel about that.
Robin Williams
Kate Spade
Anthony Bourdain
They had it all. Fame, success, family, access to all the medical help in the world. Instead, they’re all dead. They all gave in to the demon that drove them to think there was no help, no light at the end of the tunnel.
If you ever need help, someone to listen, someone to help find you the help you need, I’m here. I promise I will ALWAYS be here. No matter how hard it gets, no matter where you are or where I am. It doesn’t matter if you’re my child, my cousin, my friend or someone I know vaguely from Facebook or another internet site if you need me I promise to do whatever is in my power to help you.
If you ever need help, someone to listen, someone to help find you the help you need, I’m here. I promise I will ALWAYS be here. No matter how hard it gets, no matter where you are or where I am. It doesn’t matter if you’re my child, my cousin, my friend or someone I know vaguely from Facebook or another internet site if you need me I promise to do whatever is in my power to help you.