Following up from yesterday.
In a nutshell, he's been suspended for two games and appears embarrassed and sorry for using a homophobic slur. I understand that he felt it was "in the heat of the moment", but that's a word you should never reach for unless you're compiling a bundle of sticks!
I'm not ready to burn my Kevin Pillar bobble head in effigy, but rather watch, and see what becomes of this. He apologized to the pitcher, he apologized to the other team, but most importantly he's apologized to the LGBTQ community who are most affected by this. People screw up, and hopefully, he's learned that words do matter and he should take such horrific words out of his vocabulary.
He can learn and grow from this, a LOT of people (based on the reaction online) can learn and grow from this.
A mom, who's REALLY busy. I've got two boys, my best friend who's also the love of my life, a full time job I truly enjoy (finally), a passion for technology, some of the greatest friends ever ... well you'll find just about anything here. Whine, wine ... whatever, kick back enjoy and join the party!
Friday, May 19, 2017
Thursday, May 18, 2017
When your hero falls
Over the past 3 years, LML and I have become big Blue Jays fans and our favourite player is #11 Kevin Pillar. We enjoyed ourselves on our annual Mothers Day game, watching KP bang out a solo home run at the bottom of the 9th with 2 out to break the tie and win the game. YAAAAAAAY.
Driving to work this morning, I heard that in the “heat of the moment” he hurled a homophobic slur f----t at the pitcher for the Atlanta Braves. My jaw hit my lap and my heart sank to my stomach. All I hear on the radio was “I’m a competitive guy” “it was the heat of the moment” “I won’t let this define me” “we need to move on”. I was heartbroken. He was making excuses, and it didn’t sound apologetic at all. It’s slightly better in the article, he does say he’ll reach out to the pitcher to apologize, but he needs to more. I believe he understands what he did was wrong, but I don’t think he realizes HOW wrong. It’s just as bad as a racial or religious slur. You’re degrading someone for simply who they are. I hope he really opens himself up to the experiences of those discriminated against solely because who they love and learn what he said is horrific. I need to see more than one quick article about him moving on. He has the opportunity to grow from this. I really hope he does, because if this simply “goes away” I’m going to stop cheering for someone like that.
I don’t want my team to be the league villains, but they’re heading there in a hurry. Looks like we’ll have to switch to basketball in the 6ix! Goodness knows we’ll never be hockey fans here. I really hope the League punishes him for this.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
What happens to you is a direct reflection of your actions.
I get that, more today than ever; whether it is the problems in your life or the happiness. I’ve been pretty alienated at work. I’m okay with that. I don’t get caught up in a lot of the high school histrionics that happens when 5 middle-aged women work together. We’re all at various stages in our life. Engaged, divorced, single, married, with kids, without, really the only thing we have in common is the name on our pay cheques. Honestly, I doubt I’d be friends with any of them if I’d met them outside of work.
I hear them come in and chat about “OMG you’ll never believe what happened … “ and it’s always a series of bad on-line dates, kids getting in trouble, getting blasted at work by one of the Sales guys, tremendous bills, etc. There’s a lot of negativity in their lives, but I believe it’s just the world reflecting the negativity back that they put out.
Example #1
TCW – She’s my BEC, I don’t know why, I think she should not get away with the majority of the shit she does get away with … I’ve never seen someone with so much rope! She was going to keep her then husband until her girls were off to University, and then give him walking papers, because that’s what made her life easiest. Well she busted him having an affair. Their marriage then fell apart and she and her daughters went off the rails hard. I get it, divorce is hard, and change is hard. She started sleeping with whoever she could find on line, the stories truly were horrific. Not surprisingly her daughters became rather promiscuous, drugs, dropping out of school, theft, stolen cars; it seemed a new low every day. One of the problems was, TCW would be screwing up ROYALLY at work and there were no repercussions, so when her daughters were failing, she’d come in and rescue them. None of them have hit bottom, because there’s always someone to catch them. Even today, TCW is dating this “nice guy” but has her “army boy” that she’s expecting an engagement ring from. She’s been seeing this army guy since her husband, but she doesn’t realize she’s just his local port. But good grief, don’t try to TELL her any of this, she knows best!
Example #2
FCW – she’s a physically beautiful woman. She’s 50 but looks late 30’s and pretty much a blonde bombshell. However either her standards are so ridiculously high, or she’s just so bitter about life, no one will ever want to be around. I introduced her to a friend of mine a couple of years ago and they developed a close friendship. I find out all sorts of stuff through this mutual friend. She hates me because in the past 5 years I’ve divorced my “seemingly perfect” husband and gone on to win awards at work, be promoted, have straight A kids who are never in trouble, find the love of my life, get remarried and have a “charmed” life. They use words like “lucky” but they don’t see all the work I put in behind the scenes. I found the love of my life by marrying my best friend. She would have taken one look at him and written him off because he’s short. I looked to what was on the inside and saw the most amazing man in the world.
It’s more than just the obvious, it’s the attitude. This morning on my way to work, I was stopped at a red light and all of a sudden I felt “BUMP”. It’s the same feeling as when you stall a manual car, the same feeling when you’re hit from behind. I truly believe that I’m Wonder Woman as my CR-V is invisible as this is the third time in 2 years that I’ve been rear ended. We pulled off to the side and the lady behind me was obviously very upset. She kept saying “I’m so sorry”. Honestly, she likely just took her foot off the brake. I couldn’t see any damage, the other two events were much more impactful. I rubbed her arm and told her it was okay, we’ll just let it go and to take it easy on herself today. She was stunned. She was ready for wrath, for anger, for blame, but instead she got kindness and forgiveness. No one was hurt, there weren’t any kids involved, and she took responsibility. Maybe she’ll pay a bit more attention in the future and prevent a bigger accident.
I jumped in my car, continued on to work and still beat my coworkers in. I hear them whining and complaining about life to each other. I’ve put on my wireless headset and decided to smile. I’m lucky … no, I’m happy. It’s a choice and I get positivity back from the Universe because of it.
It’s a choice, choose wisely.
Monday, May 1, 2017
The difference between quitting and tapping out.
I’ve been watching the TV show “Naked & Afraid” with LML lately. A Rather interesting concept, two people (one man and one woman) are dropped off in a survival situation with only one item each (usually a machete and a fire starter) no clothes and have to survive for 21 days. We’ve been watching it because the gifts have been at their father’s, I don’t think it’s appropriate for them, even though they blur out the survivors' bits. We’re on Season 3 and what struck me is that they never talk about quitting, but always refer to it as “tapping out”. I didn’t really notice it at first, but then, NO ONE ever quit, no one ever “gave up”, the ones who couldn’t make it “tapped out”.
Without going to look up dictionary definitions and on the surface this may seem like the same thing, I see a rather distinct difference in it. To quit means you’re giving up. It’s a first-person action. You don’t have the strength, skill, courage, stamina or whatever to keep going so you stop. This is entirely a reflection of the person. On the other hand, when you “tap out” that means the forces applied to you were too great to overcome. I believe it’s from a boxing/wrestling origin in which the loser of the match is counted out with tapping on the mat. Therefore, if one is to “tap out” it’s a reflection of the overwhelming force against them, not necessarily of their inability to overcome it. It puts the onus on the force, not the person.
Honestly, I’m not sure if it’s better to accept defeat and quit, to take responsibility or to shift the fault to the forces against you and tap out. I lean toward taking responsibility and admit it’s quitting, but if it helps people feel better about themselves, then tap out! Then again, even as I write this it feels like “giving everyone a participation ribbon” and not taking ownership of our own actions, limitations and faults.
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