Sunday, January 31, 2010

A full moon ...

Now while I am tempted to steer this towards a "Full Monty" bent, I'll keep it more on topic. Let's talk about the effects of a full moon.

~ an awesome photo op

~ puts women into labour

~ forces upon the tides globally

~ lights up a clear night sky beautifully

but ... it also turns my typically loving, affectionate and well mannered 4 year old into this hideous, whining, fire-breathing MONSTER.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tonights lesson

No matter how cute, or how eager your 4 year old is ... DO NOT LET THEM CARRY THE PIZZA TO THE KITCHEN!
Fortunately it still tastes the same with wine :-)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

SWING ... and a miss

Ok, so, let me check the date … two days ago … ONLY TWO DAYS AGO and I’m signing the praises of Apple. I was recently asked which company do I most respect and admire, and I answered, without a moment of hesitation Apple. It’s FANTASTIC product, it’s user friendly, it’s reliable and it’s beautifully marketed … but ...

And OH MY GAWD WHAT A BUTT …. iPad … seriously? SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?! I get it, iPhone, iPod … iPad … I’m NOT the only person here thinking feminine protection products am I? iTab (because there’s an iTouch and it’s a Tablet) … iSlate … because that just sounds sexy … but iPad?!!?!? I feel like I need to conceal it and sneak off to the bathroom with it!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

As the propellor spins ...

Ok, so I've changed the settings, anonymous posting is now allowed ... be kind :-)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Seeing the light ... again

As many of my friends know, I’ve finally made the leap to the darkside. After years of being a dedicated Windows OS user, from Desktop to laptop to PDA and integrated devices (Palm Treo and eventually the loved/hated blackberry) I’ve returned to my roots with the iPhone. Ok, so I had a nano, but that hardly counts. It was really just a device to play music at my desk at work, I rarely listened to it other times, and easily handed it off to the husband when I ditched the crackberry for the iPhone.

When I say return to my roots, the very first personal computer that I purchased was circa 1994 and it was a Mac Desktop. With an astonishing 16MBs of memory on board, I felt I could conquer the world, or at least launch the space shuttle or something … right? Ahhhhhh what did I learn with this computer?

1. My first truly negative Customer Service experience with Future Shop when within 15 days of purchase the hard drive blew and it took 90 days to get an Apple rep in to replace it.

2. That an UNLIMITED internet package is a REQUIREMENT. I had pneumonia and discovered on line chatting to keep me entertained. I almost had a heart attack when I got a $150 internet bill the next month.

3. In a PC world, conversion programs to Mac DO NOT WORK.

My next computer was a PC. I gave up and joined forces with the rest of the world, particularly when they launched Windows 98 (which I believe was Mac 95). From Toshiba, to Gateway, Acer to Dell, HP to iNext, I had a number of different products carrying me through the next decade +. Memories of the conversion programs kept me firmly planted in a Windows world. But, as more integrated devices came along, I got tired of carrying my PDA, cell phone, small digital camera and MP3 player. I had a blackberry, okay, good for chat, like the integration to Facebook, easy PDA & Cell phone, but there was NO WAY I was giving up my Nano. It’s a simple case that NO ONE does MP3 as well as Apple. Ok, time to get a new device, get the HELL away from Ma Bell and head to the iPhone.

OH MY GAWD I’m IN LOVE!!!! Ok, I miss the blackberry IM (aka the Batfone) and typing isn’t quite as easy with my claws, but other than that this device is BEAUTIFUL. I seriously had to dumb it down, as I was frustrating myself trying to “out smart it” to get it to work like I’d always had to with my PC based devices. Once I handed myself over to the ease, beauty and simplicity of this product I found myself in Tech HEAVEN.

What’s next? A Macbook? I don’t know yet, I’m still digging my groovy little netbook. Hubby wants a Mac Desktop, and as soon as he hocks his clarinet he can afford it, but for now, I’m pretty stoked about my little iPhone which is NEVER more than about 3 feet from me.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

So ... not a lot to say so far TechnoMum ...

ya ya ya ... WHAT was I thinking setting a blog up in December?!!!?! Ok, the rant blog is done. I skated around danger with that one. I think that whole scene is better left for the funny pages, but Dibert already exists, so lets refocus.

I don't know where this one is going to go, but what the heck, it's ME, so it should be good for a couple of giggles ... we'll see.

Early in the pandemic, I read, “We’re all in the same storm, but riding it out on different boats”, and I’ve carried that along with me.  I’...